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March 23, 2007



This recipe looks really good, I just love mussels prepared many ways. And yes it is so simple to prepare.

Stephanie Beack

Laurie, welcome to Scrumptious Street! It's a pleasure to have you here. I'm glad you like the recipe, let me know if you try it out and agree it's good. It's amazing how simple they are, but how difficult it can be to find good mussels, right?


I'm back! Mmmm.... love the fries recipe (but so much work! Can I just go to Les Halles to enjoy? I kid, I kid... I just detest deep frying so....). The mussels, both BF and I don't really like to eat. I don't know, it's just not my kind of food, though I've been tempted to order them at places I've heard they're fantastic, as I've a sneaking suspicion I just haven't had *good* ones.... yours look and sound absolutely fab...

PS Love that photograph of you! It rained on your wedding day? But in the picture it doesn't seem to bother either of you... which makes me love it even more.

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